Pupil Type
If you have selected 'Other non-European' and you are not seeking the school to sponsor the applicant under Tier 4, please note that completion of this form repesents your confirmation and representation that the applicant pupil has the unconditional right to enter, live and study in the UK for the duration of the education offered by the school.
Is English your child's first language?
Does you child have an EHC Plan
Does you child have SEND



A Registration Fee of £215 is charged when application is made for entry of a child into the School and should accompany this form. This fee is not refundable under any circumstances. Please reference any payments with your surname, see the School’s bank details below.
· I agree to give a full term’s notice to remove my child from the School (to be given no later than the first day of that term) or, in default, pay one term’s fees in lieu of notice.
· I agree to give one term’s notice before removing my child/children from boarding.
· I agree that my child is subject to compliance with the School Policies as varied from time to time.
· I agree to withdraw my child at any time should the Headmaster require me to do so. 
· I agree to pay the School Fees in advance, together with any extras arising from the previous term no later than the first day of each term.  For the EYFS, I agree that extras are charged and are due for payment in arrears each half term.  I agree to pay a charge of 2% per month on overdue accounts. 
· I agree that no remission of fees will be granted when a child is absent for whatever reason.
I understand that a £500 confirmation deposit is payable prior to my child’s entry to the School. The deposit is returned when the child leaves, providing due notice of leaving has been given and no outstanding monies are owed (see above).
The details and conditions set out in this prospectus may be amended from time to time. Its provisions, including any such amendment, will apply during the whole of the period a pupil continues to be a member of West Hill Park School. Admission or retention in West Hill Park School of a child is conditional upon acceptance of these terms and conditions.
I have read and agree to be bound by the above terms and conditions above. The information you provide on this form will be held securely at school.  It will be used for purposes of administration and may be used to contact you in the future.  At no time will your personal information be passed to a third party for marketing or sales purposes.

Bank details:

Prep Schools Trust Barclays Bank PLC Liverpool Street Leicester
LE87 2BB
Sort Code: 20 – 01 – 25
Account No: 90314382 


Prep Schools Trust IBAN number IBAN GB50 BARC 2001 2590 3143 82 SWIFTBIC: BARCGB22

Data Protection: Information from this form will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018.
By ticking this box you expressly consent to this data being held and processed by West Hill Park School, in accordance with the regulations. Our privacy policy is available from our website www.westhillpark.com.
Sign above